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Tutorial: Mixing Audio in Sony Vegas Pro 11

新的混音器布局在索尼维加斯专业11使编辑音频视频在维加斯感觉你正在使用一个专业的硬件混音器. 维加斯教练大卫·麦克奈特解释了如何做到这一点.

在我们的索尼维加斯Pro 11系列教程的六部分的第四部分, we're going to talk about the new Mixer layout. If you're into audio mixing, 你会发现这个很酷因为它会让你的音频编辑体验更像使用传统的硬件混音器. Let's check it out.

Get On the Bus

让我们花一点时间来看看索尼维加斯Pro 10的标准双轨混音器, the previous version of Vegas (Figure 1, below). You can see we have 44.1 kHz和16位分别作为默认采样率和位深. We have a few options we can customize, such as Audio Properties, down-mix output, and the ability to insert a bus.

Sony Vegas Pro

Figure 1. The audio Mixer in Sony Vegas Pro 10

Now, 让我们看看索尼维加斯Pro 11中的Master Bus, our current version, and look at them side by side (Figure 2, below). What you see on the left-hand side of Figure 2 is the Mixer in Vegas 10; on the right-hand side here is the version in Vegas 11 that's called Master Bus. 它们看起来很相似,但也有几个不同点值得指出.

Sony Vegas Pro

Figure 2. 旧混合器(左)和新的主巴士(右并排)

In Vegas 10 (left), 你有能力插入总线和插入可分配的FX在这个双轨混音器. 索尼已经把它从维加斯11号的主巴士上移走了. 如果你想要那种类型的控制,最好打开完整的Audio Mixer. We'll take a look at that here in just a moment. 除此之外,这两者之间没有什么区别. 你仍然有能力独奏和静音你的立体声通道在拉斯维加斯11的主巴士(Figure 3, below).

Sony Vegas Pro

Figure 3. Soloing tracks in the Master Bus in Vegas Pro 11

维加斯11版本的一个不同之处在于,你可以直接从主总线打开你的混音控制台(Figure 4, below). You couldn't do that before.

Sony Vegas Pro

Figure 4. 打开混合控制台从主巴士在拉斯维加斯专业11

这就是维加斯10号和维加斯11号的双轨混音器的区别. 让我们来看看实际的混音控制台本身.

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